Ran and Wei, two sisters with distinct paths, live harmoniously with their brother, Wu Xie. Ran, famously known as the "Devil Lady," is an expert in antique trading and runs her thriving company, Elysian Company. Meanwhile, Wei, the "Purple Master," skillfully balances running Night Light Game World, a game-making company, with her martial arts training and swordsmanship under two masters.
One day, Wei receives a letter from her sword master, urging her to meet with a mysterious manager at Xinyue Fandian. What seems like a simple errand turns into a quest when Wei returns with a mysterious package. Upon opening it, she discovers an ancient map marked with cryptic locations from the Tang Dynasty and even eras before it. Sensing the weight of history and danger, Wei calls upon her brother Wu Xie and their trusted friends-Fatty, Zhang Qiling, and Wu Xie's childhood friend Yu Chen. Wei also seeks guidance from her master, the enigmatic Black Blindman.
Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the secrets hidden within the ancient tombs, diving deep into a world of forgotten dynasties, ancient curses, and dark powers. As they unravel the mysteries behind the tombs of the Tang Dynasty and beyond, the group faces dangerous challenges, from hidden traps to ghostly encounters. What they uncover threatens to reshape their understanding of history-and their very lives.