50 parts Complete MXM story 1 in a series of 6
Let Them Eat Cake
Yep that's the name of Nicks business, just a small venture he started himself.
Sugarcraft isn't your standard guy thing, but then Nick isn't your standard guy.
Deep red hair, tattoos, dark chocolate eyes, set in an oval face with high cheekbones and naturally red plump lips...... and 100% proudly gay.
The death of his two year old sister when he was just a child, a badly failed relationship and a few meaningless hook ups have marred his life, but now he's realised his dream and his shop is open.
In time he brings in an assistant, Sasha, 18, who becomes his *sister* as the pair connect like siblings.
Nick met all walks of life as they came through his door.
But none as obnoxious and arrogant as Corinne Bailey, the day she stomps in to the shop she's sent packing pretty quickly.
Next day however, in walk Steve and Chloe Bailey, Corrines long suffering son and daughter, in a last ditch attempt to save Chloe's wedding day.
One look at Steve's beautiful golden honey eyes and that mad hair and Nick is hooked, totally.
Steve and Nick fall in love pretty much there, on the spot, but it takes a week, and a lot of sticky fingers and Steve's cheeky innuendos to really seal the deal.
Nick doesn't realise just how deeply he's really fallen until Steve gets knocked off his motorbike two weeks later.
Surprised to find out that they were friends as kids, they know it really is a love that's meant to be.
And so begins a love story, a true and honest love, one littered with shocks, surprises, bad days, sad days and great days.
Their marriage a year later, is their finest moment.
The biggest shock is yet to come though as a few years later, just as life is rolling along, 18 yr old Connor Williams walks into their life, and turns it upside down.
Steve's unknown son, born of a drunken college party liaison he wasn't even aware of.
Artwork is not mine, credit to the original artist.
Do not plagerise my work.