Residing high in the ancient, ruined skies of the Schrade Derelict is the legendary Darkstar Valstrax, known as the Dark Comet Dragon.
Its quiet yet terrifying presence has long been a source of myth and fear.
Few have ever seen this black-scaled, blue-energy-fueled creature in action.
Yet, this feared entity is also a protector, a adoptive father to two extraordinary wyverns: Ahana, a graceful and resilient Gold Rathian, and her brother, Reku, a daring Rathalos.
But when a mysterious storm opening a rift between the world of Berk and the Monster Hunter universe pulling Darkstar Valstrax, and his family through.
In a time of balance and chaos, the Valstrax family soars through the skies, keeping away from human civilization.
But when a grave disturbance begins to threaten the new skies they call home, they must make difficult choices.
I had recently finished watching Arcane and in Episode 7 I enjoyed watching the fight between Ekko and Jinx, it was a little bit sad to see two childhood friends fight. And I absolutely love their relationship, so now I'm doing one shots.