After an absurd and unexpected death in modern-day Japan, Aika Kurotsuki finds herself reincarnated in the world of Naruto, a month before the birth of Naruto Uzumaki. Granted three powerful wishes by the whimsical goddess Arcane, Aika's odd and unpredictable nature begins to turn the ninja world upside down. With unrivaled chakra control, the alchemical powers of another universe, and complete immunity to genjutsu, Aika seeks to carve out a world where she can live freely, unbound by the rules of any village or clan. Her playful, manipulative personality throws allies and enemies alike into confusion, while her brutal and unrelenting combat style strikes fear into those who dare challenge her. From twisting the outcome of the Nine-Tails attack, to playing mind games with the Akatsuki, Aika's strange, sometimes comical methods bring chaos to every corner of the shinobi world. With a goal of ultimate freedom, Aika's journey will forever alter the lives of iconic characters like Naruto, Sasuke, and Itachi. In a world where nothing goes as expected, and every twist feels like a prank from a mischievous force of nature, the ninja world will never be the same. In this alternate reality of Naruto, witness the rise of an oddball whose reign of chaos reshapes destiny itself.
40 parts