After years of enduring abuse and betrayal, Harry Potter learns the devastating truth: Dumbledore, not Voldemort, is the true dark wizard who has manipulated the entire wizarding world. With no one left to trust, Harry's magic erupts in a desperate moment, transforming a nearby car into *Tempest*, a Transformer who calls Harry "Creator" and pledges to protect him.
Fleeing Britain with Tempest at his side, Harry becomes entangled in a war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. But the AllSpark-the source of all Cybertronian life-begins to call to Harry, recognizing his unique ability to create and give life. As the AllSpark merges with his magic, Harry is transformed into more than just a powerful wizard; he becomes a god-like figure to the Cybertronians, a new *Creator* destined to reshape their future.
Now, with Dumbledore's dark influence reaching across the globe and Megatron seeking to claim Harry's newfound power for himself, Harry must navigate a dangerous new path. He is no longer just a boy fighting for survival-he is the chosen vessel of the AllSpark, the divine force that holds the key to life itself. But will Harry embrace his role as the new god of the Cybertronians, or will his power consume him?
I did discontinue this story and rewriting it. The rewritten version is basically the same title all Sparks chosen one, but with ( Rewrite ) at the end.
Harry Potter goes into hiding with his parents Lily and James Potter when the Dark Lord helps them fake their deaths but Harry does get the lightning bolt because Tom manages somehow to make him his seventh and last horcrux. When Harry turns 11, he goes into an early creature inheritance (Creature Inheritance in this book is when you turn 14, but because Harry went into his, Draco did as well, Tom already had his) and breaks everything of what Dumbledore had put him on, so Dumbledore is in for a surprise when Harry is put in Slytherin and becomes the mate of not only Draco Malfoy but also Tom Marvolo Riddle and Dumbledore is very surprised to see that Lily and James Potter are still alive and on the dark side, Sirius is freed and reunited with his 2 best friends one of which is his mate.
Normal speak will "this", Parseltongue will be ~this~ (in italics), and other languages will be normal but underlined and I will specify what it is.