"Moonlit Shadows" follows Nyx Shadowbrook, a powerful and conflicted witch leading her coven, as she struggles to balance love, power, and her quest for redemption. Burdened by a dark past, Nyx seeks ancient magic to correct her past mistakes and protect her coven. Along the way, she becomes entangled in a love triangle with two dangerous yet alluring figures.
Lucian, a vampire with a mysterious and dark edge, belongs to the Crimson Fang Syndicate, a powerful underground criminal organization. His loyalty to the Syndicate and its ruthless leader, Malachi Bloodfang, threatens his growing affection for Nyx, creating tension between his duty and his heart. Meanwhile, Kael, a fiercely loyal werewolf with a strong sense of justice, becomes Nyx's steadfast protector and confidant, offering her the emotional support and stability she craves.
As Nyx's relationships with both men deepen, the looming threat of Malachi and the Crimson Fang Syndicate grows. Forced to confront dangerous enemies and navigate the shifting power dynamics between her coven and the criminal vampire world, Nyx must decide where her true loyalties lie-and which of the two men she can truly trust.
In a world of supernatural intrigue, betrayal, and forbidden love, Nyx's choices will shape the future of both her coven and her heart.
(Still working on cover)