In this heartfelt journey, three friends-Judah, Rocky, and Bryan-set out on an adventure that begins with a road trip across the United States. Each of them grapples with their own uncertainties and dreams. Judah is seeking purpose beyond his stagnant job in sales, Rocky is an aspiring artist feeling lost in her creativity, and Bryan is searching for fulfillment while working a lackluster job.
As they travel through various states, they share memories, dreams, and moments of vulnerability, often reflecting on the challenges they face and the relationships that bind them. They encounter the joy of spontaneity and the thrill of the unknown, but also the reality of their financial struggles. Each stop offers new experiences and lessons about friendship, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness.
Their adventure takes a turn when they reminisce about their time in Hawaii, filled with warmth, fun, and a sense of belonging. This longing for the island life ignites a spark of inspiration, and they decide to shift their plans to return to California, where they once felt trapped, to explore new possibilities.
Upon arriving in California, they reconnect with their past-old friends, familiar places, and the professors who influenced them. However, as they explore their old stomping grounds, they begin to question whether the life they left behind is truly what they want. They feel a pull towards the carefree existence they experienced in Hawaii, prompting deep discussions about their future.
Ultimately, they realize that their heart lies in Hawaii, where they felt alive and free. Despite the risk of leaving behind their established lives in California, they make the bold decision to embrace the unknown and return to the islands, ready to build a new life filled with adventure, creativity, and friendship.
When Beth wins two tickets to Hawaii, she accidentally invites the office hottie to join her for what's to become the most sizzling adventure of her life!
Fresh off the heels of a heart-wrenching breakup, Beth is looking to pick herself up and get back on the horse. In a stroke of delicious luck, she wins a beautiful vacation to Hawaii! Cue in the sunny beach, yummy cocktails and the chance to completely let her hair down. What Beth doesn't expect is for her boss, Jerry, to turn her relaxing vacay into an opportunity to save her job that's on the line. With all of this going on, Beth drunkenly makes a deal with the office hottie, Russell, to get him to go on this trip with her! What comes next is the most tantalizing adventure of Beth's life. Russell has a hard and fast rule about not dating anyone from the office but Beth drives him to the brink of insanity. And even though they are both healing from past demons, the pull towards each other is so electric and it's a recipe for the most mouth-watering 'work' vacation yet.
[[word count: 60,000-70,000 words]]
*Wattpad Featured Story
*Seen in on April 6, 2016!
Cover design by April Alforque.