In the heart of New York City, five friends share an apartment, navigating the messy, unpredictable, and often hilarious challenges of young adulthood. Judah, the practical yet ambitious leader, struggles to balance his aspirations with the realities of life in the city. Jamie, a ball of energy and charm, masks his deeper insecurities behind his quick wit and smiles, while grappling with heartbreak and unfulfilled dreams. Jackson, the brooding artist, prefers to keep his emotions buried, but the weight of his past threatens to crack his calm exterior. Alex, the carefree surfer-turned-city-boy, finds joy in every moment but battles his own quiet fears about what the future holds. And Ryan, the smooth talker with a natural gift for connecting with people, is still searching for what truly defines him.
As they tackle relationships, jobs, and the daily grind of New York life, they lean on each other through every twist and turn. Whether it's late-night conversations on their rooftop, navigating chaotic dates, or helping Jamie pick up the pieces of a broken heart, this found family reminds each other of one simple truth: no matter how tough life gets, they'll always have each other.
In this tale of love, friendship, and self-discovery, the city is their playground, their battleground, and their home. But as their bonds deepen and their paths diverge, they'll have to figure out who they are and what they really want, all while keeping their friendships-and their sanity-intact.
Welcome to their New York story.
[COMPLETE!] "My best friend's brother grew up. Hot."
Alexis is months from finishing college and starting a fashion label in New York. Years of planning and saying 'no' to every distraction will pay off... Until he transfers in.
There's a reason she hasn't seen Dylan Cameron in years. He's trouble. With a mysterious, badass, and broody capital T. But when Dylan shows up at her birthday party, he's all grown up. Quick with a joke. Hotter than hell.
Now one scorching night of confessions threatens to bring down every one of her carefully-laid plans...
*This is a COMPLETE story recommended for 16+ due to mature scenes and language. Thanks so much for reading, commenting and voting!*