In the mystical world of Aethereia, where memories are woven into the very fabric of existence, Aurora's life is about to take a dramatic turn. This talented young artist has always felt an deep connection to her craft, but she never expected her creations to come to life. That is, until she stumbled upon an enchanted loom that would change everything.
With a flick of her wrist and a dash of magic, Aurora brings River into being. He's the perfect guy - charming, handsome, and kind. But there's a catch: he has no memories of his past. As they fall deeply in love, Aurora must navigate the mysteries of the loom and the secrets it holds. But the more she learns, the more she realizes that their love comes with a steep price.
As Aurora's own memories begin to unravel, she's faced with an impossible choice: give up her life with River or lose herself completely. Will their love prevail, or will it become just another forgotten memory?