{When a 15 year old girl, Y/n L/n, gets stranded on an island with a group of boys, after getting on the wrong plane. She tries to play a mother figure for the little uns and tries to find a way off the island. However she finds it kind of hard after she starts falling for the boy with the conch...} With hope, happiness and love comes anger, murder and jealousy.... "𝙸̷ 𝚑̷𝚊̷𝚟̷𝚎̷ 𝚕̷𝚊̷𝚝̷𝚎̷ 𝚗̷𝚒̷𝚐̷𝚑̷𝚝̷ 𝚌̷𝚘̷𝚗̷𝚟̷𝚎̷𝚛̷𝚜̷𝚊̷𝚝̷𝚒̷𝚘̷𝚗̷𝚜̷ 𝚠̷𝚒̷𝚝̷𝚑̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚖̷𝚘̷𝚘̷𝚗̷; 𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚕̷𝚕̷𝚜̷ 𝚖̷𝚎̷ 𝚊̷𝚋̷𝚘̷𝚞̷𝚝̷ 𝚝̷𝚑̷𝚎̷ 𝚜̷𝚞̷𝚗̷, 𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚍̷ 𝙸̷ 𝚝̷𝚎̷𝚕̷𝚕̷ 𝚑̷𝚒̷𝚖̷ 𝚊̷𝚋̷𝚘̷𝚞̷𝚝̷ 𝚢̷𝚘̷𝚞̷." -𝚞̷𝚗̷𝚔̷𝚗̷𝚘̷𝚠̷𝚗̷ This book is based on the 1990s movie of LOTF. This is my first book, so plz no hate.