In a world where Mutant type Quirks are often despised, Izuku Midoriya was born with a unique mutation that set him apart from his peers. Most of his body, including his internal organs, skin, and bones, is composed of an organic rock that is 20 times more durable than steel. This extraordinary Mutation also granted him incredible super strength, which increased exponentially as he aged.
Despite his hardships, Izuku's intelligence, earned him the title of the 3rd smartest person on the planet. Among his close friends were Oswald Richards, the 1st smartest person on The Planet, and Hana Storm, the 4th smartest, whose younger brother Michael Storm is the best engineer on Earth. Together, they founded The Future Foundation, using their combined intellect to amass vast wealth and influence.
One day, while watching the news, Izuku witnessed a young, quirkless girl assisting the legendary Hero All Might in saving a boy with ash-blond hair from the slime Villain. This moment reignited a dormant passion within Izuku - the desire to become a Hero himself.
Determined to make his dream a reality, Izuku used his vast influence to acquire 4 official Hero Licenses from The Hero Commission. With these Hero Licenses, he approached his brilliant friends and offered them three of The Hero Cards, recruiting them to join him in his quest to protect The World.