Long ago, the world was thrust into chaos by the emergence of the Primals, beings with power akin to the gods, as they sought to reap nothing but destruction in their own rampage. Until one day, a mystical deity known as the Holy Divinity, rose up, along with twelve warriors, standing up to their tyranny, unifying the world and sealing their powers into twelve different weapons, each coveting their power, which would later become known as the Primal Arms. In time, their deeds would cement themselves in history and legend, being regarded as the Primal Warriors.
Thousands of years later, the world is currently under threat by a territorial empire, leading to one of the worst disasters the world has ever seen in centuries. A young adult by the name of Arya Lionsbane toils away in the life of a mercenary, burdened by the guilt of her past, but a chance encounter with a stranger alters her trajectory in a surprising way. With his help, she reclaims the Flamebringer, one of the Primal Arms that holds the Fire Primal, Ifrit, and is thrust into a quest to unify the other eleven weapons and save the world from being thrown into chaos once again. Along the way, she will discover the truth of this current conflict and bring justice to all of the fallen