In a high-security Japanese prison exclusively for foreigners, Yasha, a mysterious inmate dressed in black-marking him as the most dangerous-is trapped in a brutal world of prison politics. But Yasha isn't his real name. In this prison, names are assigned based on perceived danger, with a strict hierarchy reflected by the color of their uniforms. Yasha's black uniform signifies the highest level of threat, while others, like his cellmate Haruto in dark blue and Akira in red, fall beneath him in rank, though none of the prisoners know what the colors truly mean.
Yasha's dark past is shrouded in secrets. Expelled from his home country and handed over to the Japanese prison system, he was falsely labeled a criminal for reasons hidden even from him. His case file, received by the warden, revealed his innocence-but exposing that truth would bring down serious repercussions from human rights groups. To maintain order and conceal the truth, the warden decided to make Yasha seem like a dangerous, untouchable prisoner.
Despite his pain and mysterious injuries-especially his dragon tattoo that bleeds and causes him agony-Yasha hides his vulnerability behind a mask of sarcasm and strength. As he navigates the harsh prison environment, Yasha begins to form a bond with Haruto, his new cellmate, who initially distrusted him. But when a violent gang attack led by Daiki targets Haruto, Yasha steps in, risking his own injured hand to fight off the attackers and protect his cellmate.
Now, as friendships form and enemies grow, Yasha must continue to play the role of the feared criminal while uncovering the truth about his past-and his place within the prison's hierarchy.
This book is written by HD Cartlon all credit goes to her reason behind posting this book here to available this book for readers who wants to read this book here ...
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