The story follows Jihoon, a talented pianist, and Hyunsoo, the enigmatic captain of a luxury ship. The attraction between them is immediate, but as their relationship deepens, Jihoon uncovers dark secrets about Hyunsoo. The situation escalates when Jihoon is poisoned, putting his life at risk. Eunji, a manipulative figure, tries to separate the couple by exploiting Jihoon's insecurities.
Amidst dangers and misunderstandings, Jihoon and Hyunsoo fight to protect their love. The narrative, rich in romance, suspense, and drama, explores themes of trust, redemption, and the power of love, culminating in a confrontation with their deepest fears and desires.
What happens when Felix, a sweet and gentle femboy, finds himself forced into an arranged marriage with Hyunjin, a wealthy and aloof CEO.
Despite Felix's kindness and rich background, he's no match for Hyunjin's cold demeanor and powerful status.
As they navigate this forced union, Felix's innocence clashes with Hyunjin's icy exterior, creating a tension-filled romance.