Title: "Blood Moon Serenade" At Crescent Hill University, a bustling hub of creativity and connection, Hazel, a master procrastinator and reluctant poetry enthusiast, finds herself perpetually late and fumbling through her days. Her routine is thrown into disarray when she meets Xander, a mysterious new student whose unsettling calm and magnetic presence captivate her. As Hazel grapples with her growing fascination for Xander, she discovers he harbors secrets that are as dark as her own. Amid poetry readings, friendship dynamics, and the challenges of university life, an undeniable connection forms between them-a bond that hints at a deeper, possibly supernatural, destiny. As the blood moon rises, will Hazel summon the courage to embrace her creativity and the intense emotions ignited by Xander? Or will her fears of commitment and rejection keep her from exploring a love that might change everything? Join Hazel on a journey where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blur, and where love could be the most powerful force of all.
10 parts