In this political and Romantic drama, President Kamala Harris grapples with the weight of leading a nation while still mourning the loss of her husband. Supported by her devoted chief of staff, Elisabeth, Kamala begins to find solace in their deepening bond. As their relationship evolves from professional to romantic, Kamala struggles with her emotions, but eventually embraces her feelings for Elisabeth. However, their love is tested when Kamala faces political turmoil-particularly from her nemesis, Donald Trump, who tries to undermine her presidency with personal and political attacks. Together, Kamala and Elisabeth navigate the pressures of leadership, love, and betrayal, finding strength in each other as they fight to protect both their country and their relationship.
After Cassie's brutal breakup, she decided to lock up her heart in hopes to protect it. Little did she know that one night at a bar and an accidental one night stand was going to change her life completely. Now not only is she in love but now she has to choose between a normal life or a relationship that comes with a powerful responsibility And complicated people