A tale of two young elves shunned from classic elvin society, of rebellion and intrigue (Keeper of the Lost Cities) (written by a 12-year old (Bren Devens) and a 13-year old (Kiera Li))
Anna Green is just your average teenage bookworm. Not only that, but she is also naturally gifted in martial arts.
- But one day, Anna's whole world is changed forever -
When characters from Anna's favorite book series, Keeper of the Lost Cities, unexpectedly show up to her house to inform her that the Black Swan is in need of her assistance, she must step up and fulfill her mission.
Will Anna succeed?
Will she break under the pressure?
Will she be strong in the face of danger?
Will the Neverseen retaliate?
What happens when she begins to fall for one of the characters?
(*Mild violence/gore warning*)
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the amazing Keeper of the Lost Cities characters, only my original characters and the plotline)
🏅#1 in kotlcfanfic - 8.1.22
🏅#2 in tamsong - 6.27.21