In the ancient era before the Avatar, when lionturtles ruled over humanity and granted elemental powers only for survival, a young boy named Dairin grows up in the remote earthbending village of Zhaolu. The son of a humble stoneworker, Dairin is drawn to the deep, mysterious connection between himself and the earth, feeling its pulse beneath his feet long before he receives the gift of bending. When strange tremors begin to shake his village and whispers of an ancient force rising beneath the mountains spread, Dairin embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about his connection to the earth. Guided by the wisdom of his father, Ojin, and the village elder, Munir, Dairin must learn to harness the power of earthbending to protect not just his home, but the land itself. As he ventures deeper into the caverns near the Earth Lionturtle's domain, Dairin discovers that his destiny is far greater than he ever imagined. Dairin: The Stoneborn is a tale of ancient earthbending traditions, the weight of legacy, and a young boy's struggle to understand his place in a world ruled by elemental forces beyond his control. In a time before the Avatar, Dairin must face the awakening of an ancient darkness that threatens the delicate balance of the world.