Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar is setting some major fashion goals and in a way, you did not see coming. Recently, the star turned to yet another fusion look for an event night in the city. The actress slipped into a haute couture ensemble from Georges Hobeika's Spring 2024 collection. She opted for a turtleneck full-sleeved green top featuring a black printed stripe. She paired it with what looked like a wrap-around skirt but there's more than what meets the eye. Sharing the pictures on her social media, Bhumi revealed how the skirt is repurposed from a rug.
In the wake of sustainable fashion gaining popular, it is refreshing to see such unique twists given to clothing. With an eco-warrior like Bhumi Pednekar who is vocal about environmental issues, it is one of many to expect from her for the future. Ditching heavy accessories, Bhumi teamed up her look with green heels. For her makeup, she went all glam with a glowy base, winged eyeliner, blushed cheeks and pink lips. She left her tresses loose, looking gorgeous as ever.