A slow burning summer romance full of Jazz and delights <3
Let's take a second here and imagine yourself.. dressed up fine, drinking delicious wine. Mahogany clubs, umber lighting, flirts taking their turn. Free drinks with undercover winks. Long gloves, pantyhose and a silk slip. This is how Yua Nae, Yunae (Y/N) spends the cold nights.
Of course this is only in your free time, your day job is the top 10 pro hero, and the most popular - your name LadySax.
You are sauve and you save with the quirk instrumental Jazz, listening to a different genre of jazz allows you to unlock a different level of power. Although your position you keep to yourself and remain secluded from the other hero groups, even if you work well with them in battle. They just don't interest or compare to a jazz night at the bar.
Yet one night a familiar face shows up and does rounds on the women, unsuccessfully, until he notices you.
A fic dedicated too Jazz music and my love Katsuki, all characters aged by 10 years and manga unrelated. Each chapter themed differently on a different Jazz piece linked at the beginning. For Full immersion I recommended listening and reading :) (this means at least all characters in the story are OLD. has no anime or manga spoilers, and is curated to the songs specified)
By the way I am no Jazz Genius I just appreciate the musical art.
copyright - bakugo and respectfully other my hero characters to horikoshi
copyright - i do not own the image i think it's AI but will happy replace if needed