I will take suggestions.
Accepted ships: TomJake, Jaiden, Gabellie, Platonic Tomden, Platonic Jakeden, Alenick, Huntally, Tessally, Hunttessally, Trevek, Kul, PLATONIC Alec and Fiore. If you want something else, ask me. And don't be offended if I reject your idea. Some ships (to me) are illegal.
TW: Cussing, violence, blood, mentions of death, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of torture, mentions of stalking, suicide, guns (only in a few of the one-shots)
Best ranking: #1 in Jam
(I will most likely do any TomJake oneshot, so make it fucking insane <3)
So, this is the first fanfiction I'm posting on this app... Ehhh... It's just your normal solangelo fanfic. Lots of tears and feels. Umm constructive criticism is aloud... Uh this is awkward typing this so.... Enjoy? Also Will is bi and I like to make people suffer so.. if you like that stuff I've got plenty.