In Salem, Massachusetts, four teenage witches, Elizabeth, Victoria, Guinevere, and Anastasia, were practicing a summoning spell when it went awry, transporting them to New York City. They encountered four mutant turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. After initial misunderstandings and a fire incident, the witches sought refuge in the turtles' lair. As they adjusted to their new surroundings, they faced challenges, including a curse that affected Elizabeth and a confrontation with a mysterious sorceress. Amidst the chaos, unexpected bonds formed, particularly between Raphael and Victoria, and Leonardo and Elizabeth. The story explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the complexities of magic and relationships.
SMUT/LOVESTORY: A girl accidentally sees Raphael and his brothers along the sewer while she was casually hanging around her apartment's rooftop. Raphael being himself, tries to scare Alice to make sure she doesn't say a word but he discovers she's a tough one, too.
Despite Leonardo warning him about the danger of what he just did, Raph secretly returns to see Alice to threaten her--UNTIL HE SEES HER DANCING IN HER UNDERWEAR INSIDE HER APARTMENT ROOM.