Love between an Italian and a Thai.... Love between a long-haired man and a blue-eyed boy.... How will their relationship be between their different statuses? .. One of them is rich and the other lives with his grandmother in a small house after he lost his sight.
How will their love be, a man with dead feelings and another full of love? An intriguing encounter between a man's disobedience to his father and his strange encounter with the blue-eyed boy.
The men let the boy down in front of their master, so that he fell on his knees, his hands touching the ground, his breath high and fearful, high and high, reaching the ears of the one sitting on the couch reading a book.. his hair fell on his shoulders .
The seated man got up and walked until he stood close to them, staring at the kneeling man. He noticed his fingers covered in wounds and looked up at the boy's blond hair and eyes... his eyes widened as he stared into the boy's lifeless eyes.