24 parts Ongoing Title: My Cold Fiance
In the story "My Cold Fiance," the narrative unfolds through the perspectives of Aiah and Mikha, an engaged couple with contrasting personalities. Aiah, accompanied by her friends Maloi, Sheena, and Stacey, finds herself in the cafeteria where she notices Mikha, her serious and handsome fiancΓ©, with his friends Joanna, Colet, and Gwen. Aiah's interactions with her friends and Mikha reveal a dynamic of playful banter and coldness between them.
As the group decides to head to the mall, Aiah's impulsive nature leads her to pick out a bag, only to realize that her wallet is missing. Mikha's cold demeanor is tested as Aiah tries to persuade him to pay for the bag she chose. Their differing attitudes and misunderstandings create tension between them, with Aiah feeling unappreciated and Mikha struggling to connect emotionally.
The story captures the complexities of relationships, communication barriers, and the challenges of understanding one another's perspectives. As Aiah and Mikha navigate their differences, will they find a way to bridge the gap and strengthen their bond, or will their contrasting personalities drive them apart? Explore the journey of "My Cold Fiance" to uncover the twists and turns of love, misunderstandings, and personal growth.