In a world where noble alliances dictate futures, you have been betrothed to Prince Emers, a man you barely know and certainly don't love. As you travel towards the royal palace for your impending wedding, your journey is upended, causing you to run straight into a kind, lonesome hunter. With no choice but to trust him, you embark on a journey together towards the nearest village, navigating through the forest and it's perils. As the solace you find in his companionship builds will you choose to honor your duty, or will you abandon everything you've ever know to follow your heart?
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, brief depictions of murder, angst, anxiety, fight or flight emotions.
There is no true winner. Only fear. Only cowardice.
And only one way out.
Chess, the ancestor's game. Which of them thought it would be a good idea to model society off its pieces, Jake would never know. If he had a time machine, he'd use it to throw every chessboard into a fire.
Because now the world was ruined and no matter how many rebellions he led, nothing worked.
So he quit.
But a determined young woman set on finding the mysterious killer within the Rebellion isn't about to let him. Do they hate each other? Yes. Will she give up on him?
Not a chance.
word count: 100K
status: pre-written, edited, beta-read and completed
update schedule: daily