In a world saturated by technology and virtual experiences, Mira, a disconnected and emotionally distant teenager, finds herself lost in the digital haze of modern life. She's grown numb to the world around her, her relationships, and even her own sense of self. But when she stumbles upon 'Fountellion', an immersive virtual game designed to reconnect players with nature, she embarks on a journey that will change her life forever. In Fountellion, players explore a vast island with an evolving ecosystem, where every action has consequences. The island is divided into **seven colored regions**, each representing a different aspect of the human spirit. To progress, players must unlock Insights, which are tied to their understanding of nature, survival, and themselves. The game is more than just a quest for survival; it's a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and, unexpectedly for Mira, a path to love. Ready, players green...?
12 parts