In the Studio is a heartfelt story about Felix, a talented dancer who finally gets accepted into his dream college. But behind his graceful moves, Felix struggles with overthinking and self-harm, making it difficult to embrace his success.
Things take an unexpected turn when he meets Hyunjin, his enigmatic and caring roommate, who becomes a source of solace in Felix's chaotic world. Their bond deepens when they discover a hidden, staff-only dance practice room-a private sanctuary where they can truly be themselves.
However, their haven is soon threatened when someone disrupts their peace, unraveling Felix's fragile sense of stability. As tensions rise, Felix must confront his inner demons and navigate the complexities of trust, friendship, and self-acceptance.
Dive into In the Studio for an emotional journey of healing, passion, and the unbreakable connection between two souls.
This story contains themes and scenes that may be triggering or unsuitable for some readers. Please proceed with caution.
• Self-harm: Explicit mentions and depictions of self-harm.
• Suicidal thoughts: Discussions and depictions of suicidal ideation.
• Sexual content: Includes explicit sexual scenes and mature themes.
• Mental health struggles: Exploration of anxiety, overthinking, and emotional distress.
• Strong language: Use of profanity and mature dialogue.
• Emotional abuse: Situations involving manipulation and emotional distress.
Intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is strongly advised.