Rowan Lost, born and raised on the moon, lives alone with a mysterious old man, known as the Man on the Moon. When she turns fourteen, she decides to explore her home, and stumbles upon Nova II, a lunar colony, and with that, a mystery. With help from old friends, Rowan must end what she has started while also navigating the ups and downs of her new (or rather, old) life.
Chapters are short, but we have a lot planned.
Cover credit: Designed by @queenofallpurple, adapted by @writerofthefandoms, and then re-created by @queenofallpurple. Present cover by @queenofallpurple. Bit confusing, I know.
Consistent updates? Oh hoho, you're funny.
Any resemblance to actual people or occurrences is either planned or just plain out cool
She has a boyfriend. She's beautiful and I can't take my eyes off her. But she has a boyfriend. And her boyfriend is one of my "friends"
I have a boyfriend. And I love him. Even if he is moody and distant and hates physical touch. Even if he acts different around his "boys".
Olivia Brennan is a writer, stuck in a relationship without love because she's convinced herself that her boyfriend Lucas is "good deep down"
How will she react when she gets aquatinted with silent giant Rowan Vitali? Who just so happens to be her secret admirer and is a huge softy. Will she choose the potential epic love with Rowan or the comfort of familiarity with Lucas?