(The Witcher fanfic) Many people have the belief that the bond between a Witcher and his shifter is the strongest and loyalist bond you could ever witness or experience, is this belief true? Yes, yes it is The day that all Witcher's must choose their shifter comes when the Witcher has completed half of his training. The other half of training is with their shifter working on the bond and just how far the shifter will go to protect their Witcher, that is if the Witcher chose correctly. See the day of the wolf as Witcher's call it, starts by all young wolf shifters lining up with their heads held high all of them look around the ages of 12-14 but mentally they are older since shifters age slowly. The Witcher's converse and look at all the shifters seeing which one they feel has the most connection to them. After they have chosen all the shifters must go on deadly journey together while the Witcher's wait to see if their shifter will make it, on the journey the shifter must have the power to shift into their wolf if the shifter can't transform into a wolf then the Witcher made the wrong choice, making the shifter die on the dangerous journey. Once the shifters make it back to Kaer Morhen reuniting with their Witcher it is then that bond is ceiled. The Witcher's who made the wrong choice go off on their own without the protection of the shifter. That day Geralt chose Rieka, and as the fiery girl shifted into a sleek and powerful white wolf on that perilous journey with the loss of her siblings weighing heavy on her shoulders she bounded over, her muscles rippling through her white fur, she stopped looking up at Geralt with determined and icy gaze it was clear that the bond was true. So they set off on their way to slay monsters, not long after would they be known for all over as the fearsome and ruthless white wolves. (Sorry if this sucks!)All Rights Reserved