Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 1 (A New Oumeno)
199 chapitres Terminé This isn't just one story, but different, very cute and adorable moments between Kokichi and Himiko before they became a couple in my story about Kokichi's cousin, Kiki. So, in these sets of stories, Himiko still had a crush on Kokichi, and tries to keep it a secret from him. Okaaayy, let's be real, we're pretty sure Kokichi would know if someone had a crush on him, which is why he purposely flirts with Himiko in these stories. It's not so much to toy with her heart, but maaaaybe because he likes her, too! ^-^ Plus, Kokichi just makes a good flirt, I'm just saying.
I'll probably end up making continuity errors in this one...oopsie! For instance, in the story I wrote about Kiki, the first chapter is about Himiko telling Tenko, Angie, and the others about her crush on Kokichi. HOWEVER, I think in these sets of stories, she had told them long before, so they already know about her crush prior to when I wrote about it in my first story. XD Anyhoo, let's jump right into the cuteness that is...KOKICHI AND HIMIKO!!!
***Also, I WILL complete the story I'm working on prior to this one. I just wanted to take a small break and write this, since a bunch of ideas keep popping up in my head. XDD