In an alternate timeline where Beacon Academy remains standing, six teams-Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, ABRN, and OPLN-graduate from both Beacon and Haven Academies to attend the newly established Horizon Academy, designed to elevate their Huntsman and Huntress skills to unprecedented heights. At Horizon Academy, they delve into the core values of trust, friendship, and teamwork, facing rigorous training and challenges that test their bonds. As they embark on new missions, they encounter both old foes and emerging rivals, including a formidable new evil organization that threatens their world. Throughout their journey, the teams must navigate the complexities of their relationships, learn to rely on one another, and ultimately rise to the occasion, becoming the heroes they were destined to be. With the stakes higher than ever, each member faces personal growth, forging unbreakable connections while confronting the darkness that looms on the horizon.
Basically, the sin of sloth got transported to the world of demons, reapers, and angles by her littler brother greed. Let's see how sloth have a new eve by a demon butler.