In a world where ancient gods roam and mythical creatures lurk in the shadows, two unlikely heroes, Stormy and Alex, find themselves at the center of a chaotic prophecy. As demigods struggling to navigate their newfound identities, they face unimaginable challenges that test their friendship, courage, and destiny.
When Alex is abducted by Poseidon, the god of the sea, Stormy must gather a band of misfit demigods to rescue her and uncover the dark secrets that threaten their realm. Guided by cryptic visions and cryptic prophecies, they embark on a perilous journey filled with treachery, hidden powers, and ancient rivalries.
As they battle monstrous foes and confront their deepest fears, Stormy discovers that the greatest strength lies not in their divine heritage but in the bonds they forge along the way. With time running out, they must unlock the secrets of their pasts to save Alex and restore balance to a world on the brink of chaos.
"The Storm" series is a thrilling blend of adventure, friendship, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness, where every choice could lead to salvation or ruin. Join Stormy and Alex on their epic quest as they navigate the tumultuous tides of fate and fight for the future of both gods and mortals.
This is the OG book that I started until I began rewriting it and it's called "Stormbound" so go check it out the writing is much better.