Danger? Adventure? True Love? How about a Love not meant to happen? Besides what else kicks desires into gear besides a man you just shouldn't have. Dahlia has always wondered, knew she was destined for something extraordinary to happen in her lifetime and what girl wouldn't want her life filled with mystery and wonder. When she does come across a man who says he is who he really isn't she refuses to walk away without ever knowing what it could be. He could be the only man to really be what she needed even if it could mean her life. What she really ends up with is something that every girl hopes and dreams about even if it wants to destroy her. ¤☆☆☆○●●●□●●●○☆☆☆¤ Am I hurting you? He rolled us over giving me a lazy grin before pushing deeper. He threw my leg over his shoulder hugging it in a sort of caress against the crook of his neck as he softly ran one hand down the softness of my skin as if cherishing every sensation possible. His lips feathered the inside of my thigh as if it had always been his while noises slipped from within my lips. The sensation left me in awe and I wondered over enduring such a thing between gasps and deep groans of simple pleas to finish me off. His grip went from perfervid to zealous leaving me feeling desperate for more. Had he always felt this sure of himself? How long had he been holding back? It felt like he knew my body better than I ever did and yet we had never known intimacy. Not in the entire marriage that had been forced upon us. I felt confused at why we'd never done this before. Why did we wait so long? A feeling so exquisite that I never wanted it to end. I held his gaze as he held mine like he was seeing me for the first time. The want in the softness of his eyes tugged at the desire in my heart. Reassuring that what I was feeling, he was feeling as well.All Rights Reserved