Notice: The Book's Chapters are not mine but had added them because they're note in Wattpad, I wanted to make these stories available to all so i'll post them here. This is a Continuation of the Sixth Story, you can go check the link by scrolling down in the description to see the previous story. Now Context for Q/A (Questions/Answers): This series of OneShot stories started off as a passion project to have a backup archives of files for the subreddit group known as r/girlfartstories and r/girlpoopstories And other websites containing such stories as the need came from the fact that the WayBack machine was starting to become unreliable. And with encounters of authors before who had made incredible stories started to disappear either they're accounts was suddenly gone via deactivation or Moderation the stories they contain were invaluable to some people in the community and hence. I made a Decision to use this account as an archive, I still use it as my main one to prevent Wattpad from deleting this all because the user has not interacted with said account for more than a year. However recently the subreddit groups i mentioned and many others from various websites have been started to disappear either by self choice or were just straight outright banned, At this point it went from a passion project to a obligation to preserve many stories available for the upcoming . Purge of stories as i believed and envisioned will happened and will hit the Fart Stories community hard in the next 10 years. And on a personal perspective its a addiction of mine to record and archive like the 40k equivalent of The Adeptus Administratum and Bureaucracy in terms of data archiving. ___________________________________________________________________ Story's picture was discovered in R34 but was made by a Pixiv Artist: The Artist: Rights Reserved