In a world where shadows of the past linger, Hyunjin struggles to navigate the pain of his life, haunted by a traumatic incident that left him scarred. Once a vibrant soul, he now grapples with fear and vulnerability. Felix, his husband, initially sees Hyunjin through a lens clouded by resentment from that same incident, believing Hyunjin to be guilty of something he didn't do.
As secrets unfold and their love is tested, Felix discovers the truth behind Hyunjin's struggles. With a heart full of regret, he realizes the terrible mistake he made in pushing Hyunjin away and letting his anger blind him. Now, Felix vows to protect Hyunjin, promising to love him fiercely and help him heal from the wounds of their shared past.
Together, they embark on a journey of redemption, where love reignites the embers of hope, proving that even the darkest days can give way to light and new beginnings.
Where two boy who are in a completely different world.
By coincidence. or fate?
Hate is what they choose at first.
But when there's no running away when an accident happen
Feelings slowly grows.