Set in a community inhabited of animals and magical wondrous creatures, this series centers on the day-to-day adventures of a teenaged optimistic, high spirited water dragon boy named Sash Leo and his seven best friends - Miles, a joyful and music lover puppy with his non-binary Chao Giggles; Davis, a bipolar yet lovable chef bat; Willow, a vain but creative and noble artist jewel beetle sorceress, Natalie; a patient and sincere panda florist and Leo's crush, Trish; an bright hearted and kind sungazer lizard prodigy, Carl; a competitive but brave and fearless builder wildcat, and Pandora; a highly sophisticated state-of-the-art sentient gynoid automaton alien robot.
Leo and his friends go on adventures and live life, and their friendship grows as they learn to live in harmony and appreciate differences, and how their differences and diversity bring everyone together while working together to withstand obstacles that could distribute the peace.
Categories: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Magical girl/boy, Romance, Slice-of-Life, Fantasy, Musical
Animation Style: 2D Indie Art
This story is a mix of inspirations from popular shows and games:
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures🪐
Cookie Run: Kingdom🍪
Shovel Knight🔵
Super Paperw Mario🔴🟢🩷💛
Trolls: TrollsTopia🧌
This story also explores a variety of themes and elements, including:
🤝Platonic Love
- [Season 1] (13 Episodes)❤️
- [Season 2] (14 Episodes)🧡
- [Season 3] (12 Episodes)💛
- [Season 4] (12 Episodes)💚
- [Season 5] (15 Episodes)💙
- [Season 6] (21 Episodes)🩵
- [Season 7] (12 Episodes)💜
Don't forget to vote, comment, and share
Have a great day/night!🌟
A Royal family renowned for their illustrious name and fame, A family full of pride and rage, A Family for which everyone bows their head - The Agnihotri's.
This story is about boys who possess a unique blend of qualities - they are cold, rude, powerful, self-assured, confident, and charming.
They have an undeniable allure, despite the devilish side they sometimes exhibit. Their faces radiate heavenly looks, yet their personality is made by the Devil.
This combination of traits makes them fascinating and captivating to those around them, drawing them in with an irresistible force. The boys' personalities are complex and intriguing, offering a glimpse into the complexity of human nature.
What if the lives of those boys intertwine with those of the girls who are brimming with passion?
The ones who know how to put everything in its rightful place, and who refuse to bow their head to anyone.
Who can predict the tale of these four couples, each distinct from the other?