What would happen if?.. Lilith, the first woman, was the one who sought to dominate her companion Adam, and when he refused, he would flee far from her to the Garden of Eden, where he would meet Lutena (Lute), an angel who would accompany him in his solitude and help him grant free will to humanity, through Lucifer, Lilith's second husband, both disobeying the regime of heaven at a terrible cost, ultimately being cast into their kingdom of sin.
Many years later, Vagatha, the princess of hell, hopes to redeem sinners, but only if they so desire, after all, some do not deserve redemption...
A place of constant chaos, disorder, and disarray where Hell Born and Sinners suffer for eternal damnation. A place of no rules and no consequences. It's no mystery that if such a place were to be left unchecked, everything would go to shit.
But with the King of Hell in a weak state of mind, The Queen missing, and their daughter desperately trying to hold onto her childish dream, Some one has to step up and reign control over hell; and that would be none other, than Prince Samael Morningstar.