Every month was exactly the same. Every month she took the same trip north to the same small town, tucked away on the coast of Maine. She didn't know why she did it, or even when she began her monthly pilgrimage. And yet, without fail, she found herself sitting in the same seat on the same train, going to the same place, each and every month.
Everything was always the same.
Until she saw the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, sitting on the opposite side of the train car...
It was not until Regina finished unpacking her suitcase, said good night to Henry, had a shower and layed down in her bed to sleep that her brain fully comprehended where she was back to or the more probable thought, who she was going to see again. Emma Swan. The blonde sheriff with an obsession with grilled cheeses and bear claws. The blonde sheriff who had become her best friend.
The blonde sheriff she had fallen in love with.