In the glittering, rebellious world of 1920s New York, 18-year-old Charlotte Beaumont is known as "The Poker Princess," the dazzling face of her family's prestigious underground gambling club. Living the flapper dream, she dances in smoke-filled speakeasies and rubs elbows with the city's elite. But behind the glitz and glam, her family harbors dark ambitions-chief among them, marrying Charlotte off to Vincent Moretti, the son of a powerful mafia boss, to strengthen their empire. What Charlotte doesn't know is that this arranged marriage comes with a chilling secret: her family wants her to kill Vincent and bring the Moretti family to its knees. But as Charlotte gets to know her new husband, their chemistry grows, and so does her affection for him. Torn between her loyalty to her family and the man she was never supposed to love, Charlotte must decide if she's willing to betray everything she knows to protect the boy she was meant to destroy. Will Charlotte follow her heart or her family's deadly plan? In a world full of jazz, danger, and deception, Kiss Marry Kill is a thrilling tale of forbidden love and deadly secrets.All Rights Reserved
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