Three years after the Wildfire Outbreak, two boys called Noah and Jason start a survival group. They named themselves the "Ghoulies" after the Ghost Energy drink...Yes. After the energy drink, which has nothing to do with the apocalypse actually. It has been three long, terrifying years and they've managed to map out a few cities. They call walkers, "biters". But at the end of the day, they're zombies. And once you get bit, you turn and that's the end of the road for you. Though when they come across Rick's group, things start to take a turn. Rick's group is hesitant to trust them, knowing that they've done some pretty bad stuff, and Noah's group just wants to take their things. But when a common enemy starts to take their place down, they have to come together and put their differences aside to fight to keep themselves alive. //You can find it on Ao3 as "Crossfire"//All Rights Reserved
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