Title: The 7 Moorish Kingdoms
Set at the dawn of the 16th century, The 7 Moorish Kingdoms follows the life of Mohammed Sheikh, a young boy with dreams far greater than himself, as he journeys through the shifting sands of power, faith, and ambition in Moorish North Africa. In a world where dynasties fall, saints rise, and empires expand, Mohammed must navigate the complex political landscape of the seven Moorish kingdoms-Fès, Marrakech, Tlemcen, Souss, Sijilmassa, Chinguetti, and Timbuktu-all while grappling with the rise of new foreign powers, Portugal and Spain, following the discovery of the New World in 1492.
As he learns from his father, Abu Abdallah al-Qaim, and wise Sufi leaders like Abdelaziz Tebbaa, Mohammed comes to understand the frailty of empires and the enduring strength of spiritual leaders like Muhammad al-Jazuli. From the hallowed halls of the Wattasid Palace in Fès to the sacred zawiyas of Marrakech, the young Mohammed witnesses the rise and fall of rulers and begins to grasp the destiny that awaits him.
As political intrigue, historical events, and the teachings of saints intertwine, Mohammed's journey will take him across deserts, through the palaces of kings, and into the hearts of the seven Moorish kingdoms. Will he grow into the leader his people need, or will the shifting sands of history sweep him away?
have some conscience and write your own..
The Crowned prince Shahzaib Al-Qadri, set out to explore the southern kingdom for the very first time. He was exhilarated for the adventurous trip with his companions but what he did not expect was, to come across an ethereal maiden Inaya Al-Amir, who managed to steal his breath away at mere first sight.
Even though the lady belonged from a wealthy merchant family, nevertheless, a royal prince was expected to be marrying a royal princess for it would determine the future of the Empire.
A formidable emperor needs a vehement empress.
Marriage between Royals are more of a convince where feeling had very less value.
Will the ruling Emperor accept a mere citizen, as the crowned princess and allow for her to rule beside the crowned Prince?
What will Shahzaib choose when he was given only two choices, the throne or his love?
This story contains:
Muslim characters.
Halal romance fantasy.
Medieval Royal setting.
Happy ending.
Characters mention in the book are strictly fictional, it has nothing to do with the real life personality or any incident.