In the heart of their small town, childhood friends Laya, Marlo, and Kevin become entangled in a web of love, rivalry, and betrayal. As deep feelings surface and long-hidden secrets unfold, their once unbreakable bond begins to unravel. Marlo, torn between his love for Laya and his growing connection with Loveric, must face the consequences of his choices, leading them all toward an unexpected, emotional climax. In a story of heartache, passion, and loyalty, can love survive the tangled heartstrings of friendship and desire?
As Claire aims to leave her oppressive stepfamily behind, she befriends Zion. Will he be her ticket to freedom or a distraction in achieving her dreams?
Claire Olsen has had a crush on Zion Petrakis since the first time she laid eyes on him, but he never noticed, instead only having eyes on the school's it girl, Maddie Jennings. Knowing she couldn't compete with Maddie, Claire hid her feelings for Zion, satisfied with admiring him from afar. However, when a series of events led Claire closer to Zion, her feelings for him grew from infatuation to love. And despite fighting hard to keep her feelings contained by distancing herself from Zion, he was determined to show her that he's earned a spot in her life.
[[word count: 100,000-150,000 words]]