It's been some time since the children Jack, Rafael and Miko met the Autobots. The three Autobots Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead became their guardians in order to protect them from the Decepticon menace. The three Autobots, and their Leader, Optimus Prime seem to really enjoy the children's company. But it's not the same for everyone... Ratchet, the Autobot medic is not fond of all these loud noises in the base and all the intrusive questions (Miko we're talking about you). All the medic wants is peace and calm to be able to work properly, something which is not really possible with three human children running in the base. It became even worse when a fourth teenager discovered their existence. This teenager is named Maelys. Now someone has to protect her form the Decepticons and become her guardian. And of course, Ratchet got assigned has Maelys' new guardian. Will the old grumpy medic get used to having a human to protect ? ‼️ The show transformers prime is not mine, only my OC and story are ‼️ Heyyy guys so this is my FIRST EVER story, i'm kinda nervous ngl because I never wrote any stories in my life, and also my native language is not english so there will be some mistakes :') But anyway I hope you'll like this fanfiction !!All Rights Reserved