After the End is a captivating story set in the world of The Umbrella Academy series. It introduces Xiaina, a mysterious woman with the ability to see the future, whose life intertwines with the Hargreeves siblings, especially Number Five. When the apocalypse hits, Xiaina survives in a hidden bunker built by her parents, enduring years of isolation. She meets Five a year into the end of the world, and together, they navigate the desolate wasteland, slowly building trust as they fight for survival. Over time, they become more than allies, but their love is threatened by Xiaina's deteriorating health.
The story follows the events of The Umbrella Academy: Season 1 (and so on), with Five's mission to prevent the apocalypse becoming increasingly complex as his connection with Xiaina grows. Her visions may hold the key to the future, but time is running out. Will Five be able to change fate, or is Xiaina's destiny sealed by the very future she foresees?
Reunited after their father's death, estranged siblings with extraordinary powers uncover shocking family secrets and a looming threat to humanity.
In which you are a member of the Umbrella Academy and you help your best friend and childhood crush Five Hargreeves with saving the world from an apocalypse.
Five Hargreeves x fem!oc
Five Hargreeves x Y/n Hargreeves
The umbrella academy fanfic
Season 1 to season 2
Five Hargreeves x reader
WARNING SPOILERS for the Netflix Tv serie: The Umbrella Academy.
#1 IN NUMBERFIVE 10-02-2023