Genre: Romance, Drama
Synopsis: Masyna Alesied Amrald and Shielyd Jyde Persious were childhood sweethearts, inseparable since they were kids. Growing up in a small town, their bond grew stronger despite the difference in their status-Shielyd belonged to a wealthy family, while Masyna lived a simple life with her mother, who worked as a maid for the Persious family. Life seemed perfect for the two, but one day, Masyna's family had to leave town, breaking both their hearts.
Years passed, and Masyna returned to the place she once called home. Now an independent and strong young woman, she's determined to face the past she left behind. But upon her return, she realizes that not everything has remained the same. Shielyd, the boy she once loved, is no longer the same person either-he's now distant, hardened by time and circumstances. Will they be able to mend what was broken, or is it too late?