Note: This story takes place directly after the events of "Temptress" written by Ninel Olivo Barojas. Please read her story first to avoid any confusion! "Temptress": ( The Temptress of Rimec Haven is dead. The crooked scum of the town are able to resume their despicable acts on the innocent. With no one to distill fear into them, one person must step up to continue where the late Vinessa Saint Clayr left off - though she doesn't know it yet. Antoinette Aubert, a victim of assault that was saved by the Temptress nearly four years before the latter's death, has found herself stumbling into a world of unsolved mysteries and indecipherable answers. Driven by the gratitude for her savior, Antoinette will attempt to go beyond what she believes she's capable of to ensure better lives for those who could also become victims like her. Follow Antoinette as she uncovers the truth and circumstances behind the unusual death of the Temptress - as well as learning about the endeavors and traditions of the family the fabled savior hailed from. Will Antoinette Aubert be able to keep the Temptress's legacy alive - or will she die along with it?