"静けさの囁き" (Shizukesa no Sasayaki) In a world where the boundaries between realms are guarded by those with great power, Tomioka Giyuu returns to his quiet village after years of traveling. Haunted by memories of his childhood, he soon discovers that the bond he once shared with his best friend, Kamado Tanjiro, has not faded with time. However, Tanjiro is no longer the cheerful boy Giyuu remembers-he is now a young gatekeeper, tasked with watching over the hidden, mystical world beyond their own. As their friendship rekindles, Giyuu is drawn into the secrets of Tanjiro's new role, and discovers that the gateway between worlds is not as secure as it seems. Whispers from the other world begin to emerge, hinting at ancient powers and long-forgotten promises. Together, they must face these challenges, but along the way, Giyuu finds himself questioning not only the forces they must fight, but also the deeper connection he feels to the one who guards the gate. ...