This love story unfolds in a vibrant college campus, where Humza, a shy Pakistani boy, and Roya, an outgoing Afghan girl, cross paths. Humza is reserved, known for his quiet demeanor and focus on his studies, He's the type who sits in the back of the lecture hall, blending into the background, while Roya is his complete opposite-confident, outspoken, and always surrounded by friends. She lights up any room she enters, her laughter infectious and her energy magnetic. Despite their contrasting personalities-Humza quiet and reserved, Roya bold and energetic-they form an unexpected bond. As Roya encourages Humza to step out of his comfort zone, and Humza helps her appreciate life's quieter moments, their connection deepens. Sharing cultural roots and heartfelt moments, Roya makes the first move, helping Humza realize that love doesn't require similarities, but the courage to embrace differences and grow together.All Rights Reserved
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