Meet Abi Thompson, a spirited and independent teenager growing up amidst a household of five protective brothers. With three siblings studying abroad and two at home, Abi's life is a constant balancing act of sibling rivalry, humor, and chaos.
When her family's mysterious involvement with the influential Phoenix Corporation disrupts their lives, Abi must adapt to new security measures, specialized schooling, and unforeseen challenges.
As Abi navigates her evolving world, she unexpectedly meets a charming stranger on the subway, sparking feelings she's never experienced before. With her tough exterior softening, Abi must confront her emotions and learn to open up.
Will Abi find love amidst the mayhem of her boy-dominated world? Can she balance her family's secrets and her own desires?
*Key Themes:* Family, Love, Self-Discovery, Identity, Humor
*Target Audience:* Fans of lighthearted, humorous stories with relatable characters, unexpected twists, and heartwarming romance.
"He's lucky I let him live!" He kicks the chair he was sitting on, "I can't stand the thought of anyone hurting you."
He takes slow steady steps towards me and I realise I've no where to escape to. Before I can comprehend what to do, his chest is blocking my view and his scent is tampering with my sanity.
There's not much going on in Maya's life and with her cousin moving out, she's certain life will only continue to be boring. The plan is to stick to routine and go on with life, continously escaping to fictional worlds and focusing on school.
Mason's the new kid across the street who just seems to have trouble following him. His plan is to keep his head down and his dark, dangerous world a secret.
When Maya finds herself entangled in his secret world, Mason's forced to do everything in his power to protect her. Amidst boxing lessons and impromptu road trips to safe houses, a little spark starts to fly.