Aleira Ainsley, a fiercely independent teen with a passion for music, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Billy Hargrove, the notorious bad boy and player of Hawkins High. Behind Billy's swagger and sharp edges, Aleira glimpses a vulnerability he hides from the world. As their lives collide, Aleira must navigate the dangerous charm of Billy while dealing with her own dark secrets. In a town haunted by more than just its people, the connection between them grows deeper, forcing both to confront their pasts in a story of raw emotion, unexpected romance, and the power of redemption.
~Sequel to GASOLINE~
Billy Hargrove's dark past catches up to him in the heat of a Hawkins summer. Diana Lister faces new challenges alongside Billy, as an old enemy returns to wreck havoc on the town. As they say, one summer can change everything...